Monday, June 13, 2005


I want it to end. I just want it to be over. No more no more no more. I can't stand this anymore. I'm going to go insane. Please, no more. No more people counting on me. No more people waiting for me to send the advice that'll get them out of their probelms. No more people pointing fingers at me because I'm different. No more. Please no more! For once, I want to worry about MY problems. For once, I want to talk about ME... and I feel like a selfish bitch for it.
I feel like I'm being a selfish bitch for wanting to care about ME instead of OTHERS. I want to worry about ME first this time instead of someone else that needs my help because I understand a problem. I feel like such a selfish bitch. I feel rotten for it. I feel like I'm betraying them. I feel... dirty. Wow I'm stupid. It's not even my fault.
What's wrong? Well, I've been backstabbed, mistaken, broken and all around hurt. Two of my friends that are both close to me are fighting. Fun. Not really, but hey. I can be sarcastic. It's one of the few things pointing at my being okay. Then there's the mistaken part. Wow. Think you can be friends with a guy without dragging sex into it. Guess not.
QUESTION!! WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR BAKA TESTATERONE IN CHECK!?!? Why do you think girls want to be treated like crap? Why do you think that the only thing we want is sex? Is it the dress? I'm not sure, but is it? Of course, that wouldn't make sense. I dress in long pants, a modest t-shirt and usually a hoody or sweatshirt. I hide all I can. So what is it?
Backstabbing... my favorite. Ok, fine. It's not exactly backstabbing... well, yeah... it is. It's more kill the messanger. Picture this: getting anger taken out on you by someone you trusted because you know someone. Because that someone happens to be your BEST FRIEND. Is that backstabbing, kill the messanger, or both?
Make it stop. Please, God, make it stop. I want to stop hurting. I wantit to stop. I just want ti to be over with. No more. No more.

Make it stop
Stop the pain
Stop the lies
Make it stop
Stop the backstabbing
Stop the hurt
Make it stop
Make it end
Make it stop
Make it stop
Stop the tears
Stop the hate
Stop the death
Just make it stop
Please make it stop
Please just stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop


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