Friday, February 25, 2005

Why Did I

Aren't friends who are blunt wonderful? They don't care if you're down, they just kick the damn, dead horse. They bluntly state the truth right in your face even when you're depressed. Even if it's not the truth, when you're down, your mind twists it to be the truth. Aren't blunt friends and depression such fun? Remember the friend I told you about with the dying single and virgin? Well, here's what happened:
At the lunch table in the morning b/c it was my principal's b-day with Ice Cream, Yuki, Cherry, Shel and Jer. Goku comes up and yanks my chair out from under me. I whack him with my book. I turn back as Goku sits down and Ice Cream pipes up with “You'll die single and a virgin because you hit everyone.” Now normally, this wouldn't be too bad, but in recent events, it was like he took a spork, dug out my heart, and made me eat it. A plastic spork none the less. I'm sitting here, depressed and getting over emotional issues, and he comes up with one of the worst things ever. Admittedly, it's not his fault. He didn't know about it, but it still stung.
Thanks to my mind, I take this bit of information and chew it until it's ragged. I come up with: I'll die alone, miserable and broken without ever having a boyfriend. Go me, huh? Isn't an over-imaginative mind just the best? I love mine. Is my sarcasm showing? I hate love. I really really do. It only seems to bring me pain because the guys I like go for my friends or die. Happens every time. They go for one of my friends, or they go and kill themselves. Fun fun, huh?

Why Did I

If I had to fall in love
Why'd it have to be with you
You're so infuriating
So frustrating
So wonderful too

Why did I have to fall in love
Why must these feelings be
Why do I have to love you
When you don't even notice me

Why did I have to fall in love
Why can't I just avoid this pain
But I just can't stop thinking about you
Though I've tried over and over again

Though I've fallen in love with you
There is no way or how I'd say
How I'm feeling about you
At least there's no way now

Why did I have to fall in love
And why did it have to be with you too
Though I am here with my friends laughing
I'd much rather be here with just you

Why did I have to fall in love
Why when you obviously don't care
Though I've helped you through all these years
You never even noticed I was there

Though I've fallen in love with you
There is no way or how I'd say
How I'm feeling about you
At least there's no way now

And since I'll never tell
You've got a better chance hearing it in hell
I guess you'll never know

Why did I have to fall in love
And why did it have to be with you
Well maybe someday you will say
That you love me too

There we go. That's my song. It's got a jazzy tune, and I really like it. Besides, it describes what's going on in my life.


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