Sunday, March 13, 2005


My grandmother died, I feel like smacking a guy I thought was my friend and some of my friends just don't get it. One goes on and on about a guy she likes, the other goes on and on about how miserable she is, and one goes on and on about how great she's feeling. Well I'm sorry you're having issues, but everyone has a lot of shit going on somedays. And I think dead grandma beats problems with boys.

See The World

Crimson blood and crystal tears
Broken hearts destroyed by the years
People frozen in pain
Blood mixed with rain

See the angels lying
Broken on the ground
See the people crying
But not one making a sound

Fear came and took away
What little trust I held today
Hate came and destroyed again
Making almost everyone go insane

See the angels lying
Broken on the ground
See the people crying
But not one making a sound

A little bit of love goes
Further than any one knows
L little bit of compassion heals
And open what hate seals

See the angels lying
Broken on the ground
See the people crying
But not one making a sound

No more tears
No more fears
No more pain
Not ever again

See the angels lying
Broken on the ground
See the people crying
But not one making a sound

Please stop the fights
Let there be no more blood filled nights
Please stop the hurt all around
Can't you see the blood soaking the ground

See the angels lying
Broken on the ground
See the people crying
But not one making a sound

Please no more
I can't take it
Please no more
Please just stop it
Stop it please

See the angels lying
Broken on the ground
See the people crying
But not one making a sound

See the angels with broken wings
See the bird that now never sings
See the people crying
See the people dying
Please just stop
Just stop it all now
Can't you see the world

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Night and Dark

You know... I love the dark.... and night... and the fall... Fall is my favorite season... And a fall night is the best.... It should rain more often. Rain is good. I like it. I like to run around, get muddy and wet... it's fun....

Night and Dark

Bleeding wounds and healing scars
The only one to hear your cries
ARe the cold distant stars
No one else hears the lies

The sun won't help you
The daylight hates you
So let darkness embrace you
Let the night love you

People of the dawn
Don't know what you go through
They don't know what's wrong
They don't want to

The sun won't help you
The daylight hates you
So let darkness embrace you
Let the night love you

See all the pain
That people lhold inside
Let yours wash out with the rain
And no one will know you've cried

The sun won't help you
The daylight hates you
So let darkness embrace you
Let the night love you

People refuse to see
The ones like you and me
The outcasts and broken
No one listens to what we have spoken

The sun won't help you
The daylight hates you
So let darkness embrace you
Let the night love you

Let the night
Take you in its arms
Let the dark make it right
Let it sheild you from all harms
Let the night winds whisper one more word
So kind soft and sweet
Words that heall those who have heard
Letting lives end complete

The sun won't help you
The daylight hates you
So let darkness embrace you
Let the night love you

Let the night love you
Just this once
Let the dark hold you
Just for one moment
Just once...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Need To Talk

I'm going insane! No one will talk to me about things I NEED to talk about! They either don't know what I'm talking about, don't care, or just plain old won't talk about it!

Need To Talk

I need to talk
But you don't want to
I'm torn inside
But you don't care do you

We need to talk about this
So we can get over this pain
But you just turn away
You avoid me completely again

I need to talk
But you don't want to
I'm torn inside
But you don't care do you

Please can't you just listen
Please can't we talk about it now
Before it's too late
Before we get hurt worse somehow

I need to talk
But you don't want to
I'm torn inside
But you don't care do you

I said it dind't bug me
But now it hurts so bad
But you won't talk about it
When I mention it you get mad

I need to talk
But you don't want to
I'm torn inside
But you don't care do you

Please talk to me
Please can't you see
That I really need to
I need to talk about this with you

I need to talk
But you don't want to
I'm torn inside
But you don't care do you

Don't turn your back on me
Don't pretend you didn't hear
I know that you heard what I said
You know what I'm feeling is fear

I need to talk
But you don't want to
I'm torn inside
But you don't care do you

If nobody will listen
Then I might go insane
If no one will listen to me
Then I'll just end up broken again
Please listen to me
I really need to talk