Wednesday, June 28, 2006

To All:

Okay, this is for mostly guys, but still...

This really fucking pisses me off. In quizzes, there'll be a question like this:

Last time I cried was

And some will answer with this:

i don't cry

Here's what I have to say to you:

GOD DAMN IT!! STOP IT ALL YOU MALES WHO THINK THAT CRYING ISN'T MACHO OR WHATEVER THE FUCKING SHIT IT IS! YOU HEAR ME!? I've either HEARD or SEEN all of you cry! Stop giving me that fucking cock and bull story that you don't! A REAL guy, one who's got REAL balls and guts isn't afraid to admit that he has cried! A guy girls can go for is one who isn't afraid that he has cried! STOP FEEDING THE REST OF US THIS BULLSHIT! IT DOESN'T IMPRESS US! JUST TELLS US YOU HAVE NO HEART OR FEELINGS!! *huffs and puffs* sorry... that might have been over the top... but i'm ticked at my brother too because he's pulling this macho shit and it's pissing me off... stop it now! It's STUPID not "cool" or "sweet" or whatever the fucking hell you think it is! CUT IT OUT NOW OR I SWEAR I'LL MAKE YOU CRY AND YOU KNOW I CAN, DAMN IT! IT'S FUCKING STUPID AND ANNOYING AND STOP IT! DAMN IT IT'S DUMB!!

It's a bullshit thing and it shows that you have no heart if you say you don't cry. If you're man enough to cry then that means that you're man enough to handle your own emotions and you know when enough is enough. If you're not, learn it. It's a good trait. My brother has been an ass as of late (most of you know this) and it's made me cry a whole fucking lot. There was a time when I swore I'd never cry again... That didn't last because all that emotion built up and I got sick from it. I almost got an ulcer. It's bad not to cry. If you say you don't cry, that's bullshit and I know it. If you can admit you cry, then you're a better and stronger person than most... If you can't, then you're just being stupid and trying to show how fucking macho you are but all you show is how fucking stupid and how fucking annoying you can be. I realize I'm talking to a lot of my friends, but damn it it's bugging me and you damn well know that i don't get upset except for a good reason... stop being fools, please. It'll only lead to hurt.


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