Sunday, October 30, 2005


Okay, I don't get this shit. My dad freaks because he says "Asian men treat their women like dirt" and that they don't respect them yadda yadda yadda. BOTH my parents say that I'd better have enough brains to get a guy who respects me (no shit) and go on and on and on about how women need respect and blah blah blah. Look, I know that, I'm NOT freaking stupid.
Ok, sure, respect, gotta have it, so why are YOU guys treating me like dirt, hm? They keep telling me to "act my age" and shit. That's a load of monkey turd. What they want is a woman of about 25 who hides her emotions behind a mask unless it's joy, politeness or rage. They DON'T want a 16 year old daughter who is having issues with her hormones that NO ONE WILL HELP HER WITH!! Not that it's their fault. Half the time they're experienceing the same shit and don't know what to say because what works for them doesn't work for me.
My parents keep telling me to come to them with problems. No way in hell. Last time I tried that, I got a lecture about acting my age (AGAIN) and about how I need to suck up and soldier. How it's "natural" to feel this way. Okay, fine, sucking up and soldiering obviously isn't working otherwise I wouldn't be here. Then I get yelled at for not acting my age and blah blah blah. They try to leave off with me laughing, I humor them, go down to my room and cry.
My parents don't LISTEN to me. It's hard enough when they sit me down like I'm gonna be interrogated and like I'm a horrible criminal. When I'm upset, it's already hard to think, ya don't need to make it worse. Then comes the doosie, they say the actually understand and listen. BULL SHIT!! If you were listening do you think I'd end up crying at the end? I think NOT.
"Asian men treat their women like dirt." "Anime is evil because it degrades women and morals." "Cartoons are evil because it degrades people." BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! SHUT UP!! IF YOU'RE GONNA RANT ABOUT IT YOU'D BETTER DAMN WELL ACT LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!!! You keep saying that it's okay to get upset, but you don't mean it. You act like I'm an embarassment, like the whole "children are meant to be seen not heard" shit then go and remind me to be paranoid. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS PLEASE!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Goodbye (a minni story)

Laughter filled the room. She and her friends sat on her bed, talking and laughing, but it wasn't the same. She put up a good act. Her “smile” even reached her eyes. No one thought anything of it. No one saw the slice of pain that no amount of acting could get rid of. The slice of pain that was slowly eating it's way out of her heart.
It had started years ago, and steadily got worse. Just lately, a friend had left without even saying goodbye. Sure, she had had some warning, but she wanted to say goodbye one last time. It had never happened. Her friend had never showed, never called, and never said goodbye.
The freshest wounds always hurt the most as the old ones ached in sympathy. They were never to heal completely. They would never gain the chance. The world constantly wages a war against the heart.
The saddest thing is, adults never think children know what true pain is. They think children over-exaggerate everything that's going on. Anyone below 25 obviously doesn't know what “true” pain is because they're too young. So children hide their pain and grow apart from the adults, and the adults wonder why.
So she sat on her bed, smiling because she had to. “It's not like he's dying,” was what everyone kept saying, “he'll come back.” 'Yeah, but he's gone now,' she longed to scream, 'and he wouldn't even say goodbye.'
Goodbye. The saddest word in the English language. It hurts to say it, but it hurts more when you don't get the chance. When you don't get the chance to know that everything is alright between you and friend or a family member. It hurts to say goodbye, but it hurts more not to say it.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Not happy, but not depressed

Cild Of Night (Creature Of Dawn)

Trapped I can't find
My way out
My way through this maze
Of my mind
Gone they all left
They all left me to the night
As sacrifice
(I'm sacrifice)

You're a child of the night
I'm a creature of the dawn
You come to take my life
Cause everyone has gone
To leave me here with you
(I trust you)

There's no escape
From the lies
From the hate of
The people we see
I cannot sray
I still try to save them though
The prosecute me
(I'm the sacrifice)

You're a child of the night
I'm a creature of the dawn
You come to take my life
Cause everyone has gone
To leave me here with you
(I trust you)

You're child of the night
I'm a crature of the dawn
I won't fear you
I can't hate you
Because I trust in
Because I love you


Lost in this maze of a world
Seacrhing fro a familiar face
You came and reached out your hand
And I was swept away with you

We flew through good times
We pushed through bad times
Now we've hit some hard times
Cause you're being torn away from me
And I just don't want to loose you

You're my strength in my fear
You've shown me so much hope
You've opened my eyes to the world
Now someone's taking you away

We flew through good times
We pushed through bad times
Now we've hit some hard times
Cause you're being torn away from me
And I just don't want to loose you

Holding onto these last few days
As time slips thrugh my hands
Will I ahve the courage to say
The one thing I need to

We flew through good times
We pushed through bad times
Now we've hit some hard times
Cause you're being torn away from me
And I just don't want to loose you

I don't want to be separated
Because I can't stand the thought
The terrible frightening thought of loosing you