Monday, August 22, 2005


I'm hurt but I don't know it
I'm sad and I can't show it
I want to let go but I can't
I'm hurt but I don't know it

I never know how to express pain except through poetry and writing. Go me. I can't express in words what I can in writing. It's so... so... I don't know. It's wonderful, it's horrid, it's great, it's sad, it's what is.
I seem to get caught in the middle of everything. These friends hate these other ones who are trying to repent but aren't belived, these friends hate each other period and won't change, these friends just can't get along, etc. Why do I have to be such a push over? Why do I have to be the one with "the heart that's too big" or whatever as according to someone who shall remain nameless? Why do I have to walk straight into the middle of things? And why do I have to have advice that I think sucks but turns out to work just fine?
I feel so full of resoponsability that if something goes wrong, i automatically assume it's my fault because i give so much advice, and so... yeah. I just wish I didn't trip over my tongue. I wish I could actually talk to people about my problems. I wish... I wish life didn't hurt so much.


Blogger Hannah said...

And whats wrong with you giving advice?

Where the hell would I be if you didnt give me advice?

*aaron looks over shoulder* I know where you'd be without my advice!

shut up aaron. *wack*

apparently I spazz too much...nothing new though, eh?

get your butt down here!

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wish... I wish life didn't hurt so much."

It doesn't have to. It seems that you make it that way for yourself at times, though.

Take it as you will.

7:50 PM  

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