Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I am not the weakest link

Weakest link... that's what I am. I'm the weakest link in my circle of friends, and they have to look out for me. I just figured that out, and boy do I feel crappy. I feel like a burden now. The reason why people act so odd around me, it's because they're walking on egg shells. They must feel like they gotta look out for me to make sure I don't get hurt. I feel so... so... I dunno... weak.
I used to think of myself as the strong one. I was the one that didn't break down completely. I was the one who had the advice for emotional problems, and I was the one who could be counted on. That's what I thought. Then, some of my friends and I were talking tonight, and I realized that if anyone wanted to manipulate me, it would be so easy. Especially if they had been a friend that people got mad at, and I realized I was the weakest link and everyone is probably looking out for me.
I feel... weak. I'm not in control of it, and it scares me that I'm so weak. I shouldn't be. I should be the one that other people can count on. I have to be. I can't break down. My dad said I was in for one since... yeah... but I can't now.
I can't. I refuse to. I'm strong, and everyone can go blow it out their asses if they think otherwise. I'm not someone you should tip toe around. It makes me angry... That's probably the best way to get me upset.
I'm not the weakest link
I'm stronger than you think
Don't act like I'm made of eggshells
Don't act like I'm weak
I'm much stronger than you think


Blogger Hannah said...

I count on u. ur one of my body gaurds. ur my advice giver. ur my sissy!

7:27 PM  

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